Wednesday 16 January 2008

More support for the Leith Museum

Support for a Leith Museum continues to grow. The Scottish Parliament, as part of its process of considering the petition in support of our campaign, has asked various organisations for their views on the idea of a Leith Museum. There have been a lot of positive responses. The full set of responses can be found on the Scottish Parliament web-site. They are well worth a read.

Some of the key messages in the responses are the following:
the Scottish Museums Council supports the principle of a Leith Museum

City of Edinburgh Council said: The importance of Leith and its role in Scottish history deserves to be told in a dedicated museum....[and] Custom House..remains the most appropriate venue for a museum of Leith

Scottish Enterprise Edinburgh and Lothian "has recognised the need to jointly create an international world-class Waterfront [which includes Leith]"

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