Monday 10 March 2008

Remembering the Leithers who died in the 1st World War

Supporting the Campaign for a Leith Museum
Leith WW1 Rolls of Honour


The Rolls of Honour of the Leith servicepersons who made the Supreme Sacrifice for Town and Country during this conflict will be displayed during the Leith Festival.

May 30th – June 8th in Leith Library.

This will be the first occasion on which these artefacts have been publicly displayed in this manner, although they were on show in the Leith Hospital entrance hall for some years.

Full details will be available progressively during the period leading up to the event, but it is hoped to have the Rolls accessible on computer in addition to the Physical presence of the Rolls themselves. While the Rolls may go on public access via the Lothian Health Service Archive website, this remains to be decided.

Representatives from the Lothian Health Services Archive will be in attendance during some of this display, when an appointment system will be in place whereby members of the public with relatives and loved ones named in the Rolls will be able to see the particular page involved, and through the LHSA obtain copies of these pages either in photographic, digitalised electronic transfer or other suitable means. This access will be purely on a first come booking basis and booking times etc; will be advertised in advance. The means and times of booking will also be widely advertised.

Should there be a large attendant interest in the computerised version; the viewing time available will be controlled by the staff depending on the circumstances at any given time.

This opportunity of facsimile copies of the computerised version, which is excellent in itself, will also be available to the wider public via the above route.

The people of Leith owe a great debt to Lothian Health Services Archivist and colleagues who, almost lovingly, have been custodians of this truly important part of the History of Leith and its people.

The WW1 Memorial Rolls of Honour of the 1st Leith Company, The Boys Brigade, will also be displayed during the event, with similar opportunities for viewing and obtaining facsimiles of relevant documents.

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